Mary Ann Hubbard

“My name is Mary Ann Hubbard. I purchased my Buddy Baton many years ago from Geraldine Cyrus to assist me on my walking for exercising. I used it for a while and then when I stopped exercising, it got put away also.

I had surgery on November 2017 for a pinched nerve on my neck. My surgery was done on my neck and for the first 6 weeks after surgery I was unable to move or get around because my neck was in a brace. After being immobile from the surgery, during that 6 weeks, I lost balance for walking. Circulation was slow in returning and I was on a walker.

I started using my Buddy Baton to help me with my exercises to restore usage of my arms. It was just the right size to grip and handle for my arm strength to regain use in my arms. I used the Buddy Baton for stretching my arms above my head. I am off the walker now and using a cane.

I am now using the Buddy Baton to balance me for walking. On days when I feel my best, I use the Buddy Baton. On days when I am not so strong, then I use my cane.

The Buddy Baton has been one of my essential tools in my healing process and I am on my road to recovery. June 2, 2019”